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If you want to have fun, visit Rome!

Today Rome is the main tourist center of Italy. Foreigners come here for impressions, some just have a good rest, some plunge into the history of antiquity, some just wander through the seven hills, one of which is the Aventine.

If you just want to have fun, visit Rome. The most famous hedonists in the world are undoubtedly Italians. After all, it is here that there is a tradition of beautiful doing nothing - bel far niente. Even the endless strikes are quite relaxed, not serious. Moreover, they are held either on Monday or on Friday. A Roman's morning also begins in a relaxed way – with a cup of cappuccino or espresso, which is drunk with special pleasure. If you order any of these drinks at any other time of the day, you will be considered ignorant.

Italian cuisine is a separate topic. Cooking is an art form here. It doesn't matter what products are at hand, the Romans can create a real feast out of nothing. Only the Italians were able to come up with Pizza. Are you wondering why with a capital letter? It's a work of art! There is even a Pizza museum in Rome.

Before you start dinner, be sure to drink white wine. It is customary to eat slowly, having a casual conversation during the meal. Well, where without afternoon coffee. Siesta traditions are sacredly observed to this day. A resident of Rome will always find time to visit an old friend, take a walk, and he will never miss a football match. At 13.00, a quiet hour begins, lasting until 15.00. Everything is asleep – shops, restaurants, and banks.

It is clear why Italians have a high life expectancy (an average of 80 years) with such a daily routine. And all this, despite the fact that Italy is one of the most smoking countries! Even strict anti-smoking measures do not help. Some scientists believe that the Romans owe their longevity to their diet, which includes the consumption of red wine, red pepper paste, and tomatoes. Add in the good climate and love of life – the elixir of longevity is ready!

All Italians are optimists. The greeting of the local population: "So that the saddest days of your future resemble the happiest days of your past," says this. The locals are very beautiful and well-groomed. Men, in their quest to conquer the lady of the heart, sometimes look better than the objects of affection themselves. The whole city has been transformed into a real podium. You need to keep the brand up all the time.

Most locals carefully watch their figure, so it feels like you are among the ancient Roman Gods. And most importantly, everyone tends to dress in the brands of famous Italian designers, even local priestesses of love. Пин Ап казино


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