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Review of the comic book "Marvel 1602" by Neil Gaiman

It is 1602, and there is unrest in the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth is becoming weaker every day, the fanatical Scottish King James I is about to announce his claims to the throne, and the population is scared by strange storms that have not stopped for months. The only ones who have any chance of correcting the situation are the court doctor Stefan Strange and the royal spy Sir Nicholas Fury. But how can they trust each other if behind every crack there may be another traitor, secret agent or sympathizer of the Inquisition?

I know you're looking at the screen a little surprised right now and mentally asking "how did the Marvel characters get into the dark 17th century?", so let me explain. In 2001, the editor-in-chief of a comic publishing house suggested that writer Neil Gaiman write some kind of story about Marvel superheroes. He agreed, although he did not really know what to tell the readers about. Perhaps he would have written a slightly more standard (at least by his standards) comic, but in September of that year, one of the most famous tragedies in American history occurred - the terrorist act of Al-Qaeda, which rocked the whole world. It was then that Gaiman decided that he definitely did not plan to write a story about modern problems, explosions, shootings and mass murders. And a trip with friends to Venice finally convinced the author that his comic book would tell about the past. As a result, the series "1602" was released.

Nick Fury now guards Her Majesty's peace and serves as a privy councilor, and Stephen Strange takes care of the ruler's health (despite the fact that he could well have been burned as a sorcerer). Matt Murdock is no longer a superhero lawyer, but a blind Irish resident who wanders the dark streets of London and prepares to complete a mysterious mission. A group of discoverers receives supernatural abilities as a result of a shipwreck, and the mysterious rich Carlos Javier opens a private school for gifted young men. It can take a long time to remember the bizarrely distorted backstories of old favorites, but believe me - it's much more interesting to learn them on your own on the pages of a comic book.

We already wrote about "1602" a few years ago, but it's a special pleasure to talk about the translation of a non-standard and slightly underrated comic book. It's nice that along with the already classic stories like "Scott Pilgrim" and "Sin City", or comics like "Infinity Gauntlet", lesser-known things are also coming out on our market. Could we have imagined such diversity five years ago? It remains to be hoped that quarantine will not greatly damage this progress, and that even more successful new products are waiting for us in the near future. kiev.natashaescort.com/ua/


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